

Canvas-based exams and quizzes may require online proctoring using the online exam 监督服务, Honorlock我们开发了一种 如何准备在线远程监考 guide to as an overview of the materials you'll need to complete a proctored exam 以及帮助你入门的资源.

The following are frequently asked questions from students specific to online proctoring.




No. Online proctoring is an option that your instructor may or may not require for 测验或考试. 如果教师为考试或测验启用了在线监考, 这是该班所有学生的必修课. 


If you have an online exam that requires proctoring via Honorlock, a notification 会在课程大纲中提供吗.




  • 带麦克风的笔记本电脑或台式电脑(不是平板电脑或手机) 

  • 一个摄像头

  • 可靠的互联网连接 

  • Photo identification in the form of a Valencia-issued student ID card or government-issued 身份证(i).e. 驾照、护照)

  • 谷歌Chrome 已下载(所需浏览器)

  • Chrome扩展 下载

We recommend that you disable functions and plugins that might cause you to accidentally violate exam rules (such as spell- or grammar-checkers, automatic translators, etc.). 看到 说明禁用Chrome的自动翻译功能.

Mac OS users: If you have recently upgraded to a newer version of the operating system, you may need to enable screen sharing of your desktop and other applications on your 使用屏幕共享的任何应用程序,如Honorlock. 看到 这篇支持文章提供了这样做的说明.

为什么我需要带照片的身份证? 什么形式的身份证是可以接受的?

We verify the photo and name on your ID to ensure you are who you say you are. 你 可以使用任何政府签发的身份证.g.,国家颁发的驾照,国家颁发的 identification card, or passport) or Valencia-issued student ID that has your photo.



Honorlock support is available to assist students before, during and after their proctored 测试. 如果你在考试中遇到任何问题,你可以通过美高梅支持 chat within the Honorlock window in Canvas, by phone at 855 828 4004 and/or by email 在 有关网上监考常见问题的答案,请浏览 也可以访问诺诺洛克的 学生资讯网站.


If you are being prompted for an access code, you are most likely not using Google Chrome或者你没有 Chrome扩展. If you are using 谷歌Chrome and the Honorlock extension, please contact Honorlock 支持电话:855 828 4004或


确保你的电脑充满电并有良好的网络连接. 使用谷歌浏览器 当你登录参加考试时. 你可以运行一个一键式系统检查,如果你 不确定您的操作系统、Chrome版本或网速. 



If your faculty requires online proctoring, you’ll simply need to access your test 或者在Canvas和 遵循本视频中分享的步骤. 你也可以看这个 入门指南 获取分步说明. 基本上,你会在Canvas中访问你的测试或测验, 确保你有 Chrome扩展 下载, confirm your identity, show your workspace, and record yourself while 完成你的评估. 就这么简单.



是也不是. 你的网络摄像头正在记录你的考试过程,但没有人在看 你的考试实时. 诺诺洛克使用人工智能(AI)技术 monitor your session, and, if it senses that something is wrong, it will trigger an 会话记录中的事件标志.  考试后,你的老师可能会复习 在考试期间寻找任何潜在的事故.

Will I automatically be penalized if someone enters the room I’m in or I’m unable 在一个完全不受干扰的环境中参加考试? 

No; we understand that life happens. 我们鼓励你承认 unexpected happens (like a family member walks into the room you’re in) so that your 老师们在看你的考试视频的时候会知道的. 你不会自动的 对创建的任何事件标志进行处罚.


As with a traditional class exam, this is determined by the instructor according to 课程大纲中的政策.  


是否可以访问Honorlock ??

Yes; Honorlock is fully accessible and compliant with Section 508 of the Americans 残疾人法案. 如果你对残疾有疑问或担心 影响本公司使用,请与本公司联系 残疾学生办公室.



澳门美高梅网上赌场官网和诺诺洛克有合同要求诺诺洛克 家庭教育权利和隐私法(FERPA) compliant and to use securely encrypted protocols to save and view all test taker 资产. 诺瑞洛克只能收集、处理和存储签约的学生数据 本服务及本信息不得出于任何目的出售或转让. Honorlock的 certified proctors and Valencia’s faculty are able to review test session videos until 根据学校的保留政策删除. 看到 安全与隐私常见问题解答 澳门美高梅网上赌场官网信息.


Valencia’s contract with Honorlock requires that this vendor protect all student records in compliance with multiple federal and state laws, and gives Valencia the right to 如果这些义务没有得到维护,采取法律行动. 这意味着诺诺洛克是 prohibited from using student information for any reason other than monitoring testing. Honorlock is expressly prohibited from selling or providing student information to 任何人以任何理由,除非学生事先书面同意. 

Is it true that Honorlock scans home networks and monitors data from any device connected 这个网络?

No. Honorlock does not scan home networks or monitor data from any device on the network 除了用来测试的那个. 次要设备,如手机,可以被检测到, 但这不是通过网络窥探完成的. 更多信息请看下面的问题 关于Honorlock如何跟踪和监控数据和设备的详细信息.

What data is tracked/recorded from the web browser extension and how is it handled?

The Chrome Web browser extension allows Honorlock to interact with the student and 考试期间的考试内容. 这包括启动网络摄像头窗口和交互 与学生在考试中的行为. 在考试期间,将捕获以下数据: 分析、存储:

  • 网络摄像头视频,包括音频;
  • 记录桌面活动;
  • Student information presented by the learning management system (Canvas), such as 学生姓名、课程编号、考试名称等.;
  • 考试期间访问的页面;
  • Specific student behavior that may indicate academic dishonesty, such as copy/paste 进入搜索引擎.

Webcam and audio analysis has certain AI capabilities built in, such as detecting the presence of zero, one, or more faces in the camera, one or more voices, etc. 这 AI will generate a “flag,” prompting the instructor to review the exam session to determine if additional action is necessary to remediate any academic integrity issues.

How does Honorlock have the capability to monitor the use of my smartphone during 考试?

学生 using their smartphones to search online resources for exam questions should note that Honorlock utilizes a manual technology to detect academic integrity issues.  Specifically, Honorlock hosts websites with seeded exam questions that, when accessed 考试期间,在电话上触发一个动作. 的过程中获取此操作 student’s session and alerts instructors to review for academic integrity issues. Honorlock does not initiate any technologies to eavesdrop on the students smartphone 考试期间或考试后的活动.  对学生来说,理解是很重要的 they are not authorized to use their phones during an Honorlock proctored exam.

Honorlock的政策规定,它可能会共享汇总数据. 这是什么意思??  

When Honorlock says it may share aggregated data, this means non-identifiable information 这绝对不能追溯到任何一个学生身上. 比如,平均时间 让学生完成生物课的测试.  没有个人信息等 as names, ID info, videos, or other media featuring a student, can be shared outside 诺诺洛克或澳门美高梅网上赌场官网.


All personally identifiable information obtained by Honorlock is stored on Honorlock’s server (which is inside the United States), and is accessible through Canvas.  只是 like other student records, this information can only be accessed by faculty and administrators 谁需要访问权限来履行其工作职责.  澳门美高梅网上赌场官网和诺诺洛克没人能做到 仅仅因为个人兴趣而查看记录.  学生可要求访问 随时给自己记录.